


Monday, October 12, 2009

MRCP Part 1 MCQ question #4

A nurse presents with severe swelling around the mouth following her lunch.

She was treated for suspected anaphylaxis and on further questioning she says that previously she has had an itchy rash on her hands after wearing latex gloves.

Which of the following fruit is the most likely to have been in her lunch to explain this reaction?

(Please select 1 option)

0. Apple
0. Banana
0. Gooseberry
0. Pineapple
0. Star fruit

Answer: Banana

"Latex allergy represents an increasing occupational problem, mainly among healthcare workers. An association between latex allergy and hypersensitivity to some plant foods, particularly fruits (the latex-fruit syndrome), has been established. Class I chitinases with an N-terminal hevein-like domain from avocado, chestnut, banana and other foods, and latex hevein seem to be the allergens responsible for the cross-reactions involved in the latex-fruit syndrome." Salcedo G, Diaz-Perales A, Sanchez-Monge R. The role of plant panallergens in sensitization to natural rubber latex. Curr Opin Allergy Clin Immunol. 2001 Apr;1(2):177-83.